debrief your year
envision your future
deepen self-awareness
be a better parent
My name is Hugo Pereira, I’m inspired to be a catalyst for growth in all forms—including personal development.
Since a very young age, I’ve found myself in awe with humanity and the depths of how far we can learn about ourselves daily and be a better version of ourselves.
To put this into practice, at least once a year I do a deep introspection where I reflect and let memories and thoughts fill my mind, trying to comprehend what the last 12 months meant and what I’ve learned, as well as dream about the future.
This is how I started the Reflection Booklet. Early in 2017, I published the exercises I did for myself openly. Each year since then, the reception has consistently warm and positive.
Thousands of people have downloaded the Reflection Booklet, which fills me with gratitude, knowing that this small measure can be of help for anyone seeking a deeper understanding of themselves.
I sincerely hope this Reflection Booklet helps you reflect back on 2021, bring it to a close, and start to get you warmed up for 2022.